Women Die from Abortion Pills – Media-Cover Up is in Full Swing

By Lynne Marie Kohm, copyright 2024

Two women have died from the abortion pills — not from media-proclaimed state pro-life laws.

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s June 2024 ruling rejecting challenges to FDA regulation of abortion drugs, it has become quite clear that two women have now died from complications of taking those drugs legally — and according to FDA guidelines. These women’s families now have legal claims for wrongful death and should seek legal counsel accordingly.

In the case before the Supreme Court challenging the abortion pill, FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, the High Court found that emergency room doctors challenging FDA regulations lacked standing to make that challenge. But the families of these dead women most certainly have standing to do so, as these mothers died from complications after taking the pills according to FDA procedures.

Abortion pills, as approved by the FDA, do not require a doctor visit to determine how far along a pregnancy is or what medical factors might affect the mother’s health. Rather, a woman can easily obtain the drugs, take them at home (often alone), resulting in a high volume of bleeding, intense pain, and (the trauma of) expelling a human baby. A host of discomfort, anxiety, and danger is part of what is, essentially, a self-abortion using these pills. The FDA has also removed any protections of a follow-up exam that would ensure all the products of conception are adequately removed after the abortion, protecting the woman from sepsis and potential death.

Georgia resident Amber Nicole Thurman legally obtained abortion pills in North Carolina but died after serious complications from the drugs left some of her twin babies’ remains in her uterus, causing a sepsis infection. Doctors in her home state monitored her condition and hospitalized her, but she died before they could get the infection under control and perform a D&C procedure to remove the parts of the unborn babies left inside her. The incomplete abortion caused by the failed abortion pills ended in her death.

Georgia resident Candi Miller also died following a botched abortion due to the abortion pill – back in 2022  but it was not widely reported except to attack pro-life laws in that state. According to multiple sources, the 41-year-old married mother of two ordered abortion pills online, but they caused an incomplete abortion and left parts of the baby’s body inside her. Not knowing she needed a D&C procedure to remove the baby body parts, she stayed at home suffering in tremendous pain. She did not go to the emergency room or a doctor for care, both of which are fully allowed under Georgia law. “Reports indicate that her teenage son watched her suffer for days after she took the pills, bedridden and moaning.” Her husband later found her unresponsive in bed with their 3-year-old daughter at her side. An autopsy revealed aborted baby body parts and a lethal combination of painkillers and fentanyl — likely taken to combat the pain.

“The common factors in the tragic deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller are dangerous abortion drugs and inappropriate care for their complications. Instead of a real investigation of the profit-driven abortion industry, pro-abortion media … who support no limits on abortion are running cover,” stated SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser. The abortion pill sends one in 25 women to the emergency room. Some states have even passed laws shielding illegal-abortion-drug sellers from accountability. The media is actively complicit in the cover-up of these facts.

Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG, a board-certified ob-gyn who serves as vice president and director of medical affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute, stated, “The tragic deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller in Georgia demonstrate conclusively how dangerous medically unsupervised, ‘self-managed’ abortion drugs are.” Both women suffered failed abortions that required surgical treatment. Both women were African American. Amber died from sepsis, a complication the FDA alerts physicians to watch for in its ‘black box’ warning on mifepristone. “Candi’s family states she did not seek medical care because she was worried about prosecution, but every pro-life state law prohibits prosecution of women for seeking an abortion,” and, of course, from seeking emergency medical help for a failed abortion.

Skop continued: “Intentional misinformation by pro-abortion media, regarding criminal penalties and claims that abortion drugs are ‘safer than Tylenol,’ frighten women so that they do not seek medical care when they suffer complications, like severe pain and heavy bleeding. This misinformation is to blame for these women’s tragic deaths, not pro-life state laws protecting them and their unborn children.”

A quick Bing search for each victim reveals a media avalanche blaming pro-life laws, rather than the drugs that these women relied upon. Even a DuckDuckGo search revealed that every single media report blamed pro-life laws, rather than the drugs that did the damage. Only the Christian Post stands alone in reporting otherwise.

This type of contrived media not only extorts the truth, but exploits the incredible human loss their families suffer. Two women have died from failed abortions by the FDA-approved abortion pills. Their deaths are tragic and deserve honest tortious recovery in wrongful death.

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