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Politically, socially, and theologically, our nation is
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Can You Handle “The Truth”?
Count me in among the many JFK conspiracy theorists. I’ve been to Dealey Plaza several times. I’ve read or listened to many books and programs about the assassination of JFK. I’ve watched…

A Glimpse Behind the Curtain: Tales of Real Policy Making
This is the fourth and final installment of a multipart series providing insight into government operations from a former staffer The 19th-century German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck supposedly said, “[L]aws are like…

Why Democracies Give Us Unwanted Policies: The Politicians
This is the third of a multipart series providing insight into government operations from a former staffer. In my previous essay, I asserted that everyone can name at least one useless government…

Why Democracies Give Us Unwanted Policies: The Voters
This is the second of a multipart series providing insight into government operations from a former staffer. Everyone in the United States can name at least one policy (probably more) that makes…

The Training Grounds of Democracy
This is the first of a multi-part series providing insight into government operations from a former staffer. In 1932, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote a line in his dissenting opinion on…

Faith, Family, and Freedom Beyond the Water’s Edge: Foreign Policy Priorities for Christian Conservatives in the Second Trump Administration
Christian conservatives in the United States tend to have a strong domestic focus where policy is concerned. The “Faith, Family, and Freedom” agenda of social conservatives usually focuses on issues close to…
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Great Talks Videos

The Great Talks® series features leading scholars and thinkers – including many of Regent University’s own world-class faculty – on today’s most challenging topics, offering sharp analysis and carefully considered solutions.

Findings with Dr. Mary Manjikian: Health Security
In a time of Health Emergency, it is important for Citizens to work together. Yet we often have impulses to help ourselves first and not worry about the “other guy.” Associate Dean…

Regent’s Anthony Harper Conducts Interview with Sharren Haskel in Israel
Regent University student Dr. Anthony Harper, who has studied in Regent’s political communication program to add to his already earned Ph.D., travelled for the Intermountain Christian News and interviewed Israel Knesset member…