Russell Brand

What does Russell Brand got to do with it?

On September 4, at Tucker Carlson’s live tour in Phoenix, AZ, actor Russell Brand was the featured guest of the event. You might recognize Russell from his iconic movie roles (“Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” “Get Him to the Greek,” “Arthur”), but he was also known for his wild, lewd humor and a very public battle with addiction.

But today, millions of us are witnessing his incredible transformation. Russell has come to embrace the Christian faith, been publicly baptized, and is passionately proclaiming the name of Jesus.

You might be saying, “That’s great news about Russell Brand, but what does he have to do with anything that’s going on in our world today?”

Well, Russell’s story is one of thousands — possibly millions — of people who have experienced the life-changing power of Christ after the world was turned upside down by COVID-19. The pandemic forced all of us to confront the reality of a global push to control how we live, work, worship, and raise our families.

Many people, just like Russell, began to question their worldviews and long-held beliefs. By God’s grace, a new generation of believers found themselves drawn to the truth of Christ.

During the lockdowns, while casinos and stores stayed open, churches were told to close their doors. It was a wake-up call: Would we let the government dictate our worship? Or would we stand, as the early disciples did, knowing full well the risks?

The pandemic shook society to its core. Lives were lost. The economy suffered. Children fell behind. And yet, in the midst of all this chaos, God was still at work.

In the aftermath of COVID, revival has spread across our nation and around the world. We hear constantly these days about thousands coming to faith, of worship services filling the streets, and how college campuses are experiencing spiritual awakening.

People everywhere are searching for answers, and God is moving powerfully in their lives. His Word promises us, “…you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13, NKJV).

I’m writing today to encourage you not to lose hope! No matter the circumstances, God’s kingdom will prevail — and YOU can be a part of it.

Here at Regent University, we’re training Christian leaders to answer His call to change the world. We’ve sent out more than 37,000 graduates to make a difference and are only just getting started.

Below, I’ve included parts of a prayer shared by Russell during his appearance at Tucker Carlson’s live tour. Of course, I don’t endorse everything he says or does, but his words on that night remind us of the power of prayer, humility, and grace.

As you read this prayer, I invite you to reflect on how God is moving — and how you can be a part of this global revival by partnering with Regent:

“I call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our heavenly Savior. Lord, I humbly [ask]… that the forthcoming election be an opportunity for unity, for America and for Americans, for forgiveness and for grace; that the dark and demonic forces that appear to operate at the level of the state… experience your light, Lord.

“Guide all of our tongues and all of our words and all of our hearts that we feel your forgiveness and that we feel your grace…. Thank you for the beauty of nature, in which we see your wisdom and your creativity and your infinite glory.”

Russell also thanked God that He “was born and died, that we may be forgiven, and that we may have eternal life — not through merit or anything that we have individually achieved. For surely, all of us are fallen. But in your holy name, we are forgiven by Your act of redemption, by your sacrifice. In Your name, we pray. Amen.”

Let’s keep praying, and let’s keep working together to transform lives through the power of the Gospel.

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