Was America’s Invasion of Iraq Just?

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA (February 8, 2021) – For nearly two decades, American forces have been engaged in Iraq, first defeating Saddam Hussein’s army and, thereafter, the Islamist extremists who want to prevent the establishment of a democratically elected government. Was our country justified in invading Iraq? Has our continued presence there been morally justifiable?

On Thursday, February 18, 2021, Regent University will host an online panel discussion on “The justice of American Wars in Iraq.” Mark your calendar for 12-1:30 p.m., as three experts in the area of just-war thinking and the American military experience will present their views, with a question-and-answer session to follow.

  • Dr. Marc LiVecche – Executive Editor of Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy and former fellow at the Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership at the U.S. Naval Academy
  • Dr. Eric Patterson – Scholar-at-Large and former dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University. Patterson has also been a White House Fellow and aide to the director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. He spent two stints in the State Department’s Bureau of Political and Military Affairs. He continues to serve as an officer and commander in the Air National Guard.
  • John Gallagher – Iraq War veteran and managing director at Tracker Capital Management focused on investments related to technology and national security. Most recently, Gallagher was the Special Assistant to the Chairman of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board and previously served as an advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in the Pentagon. Gallagher served in the U.S. Army for 27 years and is a West Point grad.

No registration is required. Access the Zoom link below to participate in this important event.

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This event, hosted by Regent’s Center for Christian Thought and Action and The Honors College, is open to the public.

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