Set Point with Steve Perry: Who Will Decide the Margin for Error in Self-driving Cars and Other AI?

Technological innovation is changing the world we live in.  Many people can’t imagine riding in a self-driving car, but that’s not unusual for any new technology. So as they become more common, at some point we will end up finding ourselves confronting decisions about such a car. Every day our driving decisions compromise safety and speed. Do we rush through the yellow light or stop and wait for the next light cycle? How will your self-driving car make decisions like that. Will it drive 5 miles-per-hour over the speed limit or not? Steve Perry describes the need for policy makers to think through this process and to figure out how much of that decision will be left up to the car makers or the car owners, and who will ultimately be liable for failures.

The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Regent University.

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