Social Security: Monster of All Carry Trades to Offset Some of COVID-19 Pain
For the long-term benefit of American families and workers, it is time to think differently about the Covid-19 induced economic shock and policy response. All Americans are aware of the dramatic reduction in economic activity since the outbreak began in February 2020. The U.S. economy is suffering from reduced output and weaker consumer demand. Just as important is the dramatic increase in uncertainty about the U.S. economic future. Uncertainty about the future is why financial news outlets report the dual effects of high stock price volatility and a large reduction in U.S. interest rates.
When This is All Over: The Architect of Finishing Well and Beginning Again
Kathleen Patterson, Ph.D.
You likely hear it, and maybe have even said it… ‘when this is all over’…
The hope of the end of this pandemic. It is actually not the hope of the end but the hope of a new beginning.
When this is all over—I am going to… Fill in the blank. For most of us it is to dream bigger, to do better, and to live deeper in the big and small ways. For leaders this is a great opportunity to begin again—to create and be an architect in our organizations. So, let’s look at our leadership, when this is all over—what then? I offer you three things to consider as we end and begin again.