Dear Online Student: You’re Not Alone — And You’re Right Where You Belong
There you are — sitting at your desk, staring at a blank screen with the week’s discussion question rolling through your head. It’s due tonight. If that cursor doesn’t stop blinking at you, you might lose your mind.
What were you thinking, taking an online class?
I was an online student before I was an online professor, and I think you and I might have been thinking the same thing.
You’re thinking, you have a job or you want a job.
You have a family and friends you want to see.
You want time to think about the answer you’re going to give.
You want to be able to click on the online library and research your answer before you post.
You want the opportunity to integrate Scripture into everything you write and prepare yourself as a Christian leader in the workplace.
You want to learn more about yourself and others in the way only those weekly discussions with people from diverse places and backgrounds can give you. And it’s not just the few who always answer in class. (You might have been too shy).
Maybe that’s what you were thinking, when you signed up to be an online student.
When I began to take online classes, I was working three jobs, had a family, and volunteered to help at-risk kids. If I wanted to get a degree, it would be online, where I could have the latitude of participating at any time of the day.
I’m no different than you.
I’ve been at Regent University as an online professor since 2006, and my former experience as an online student makes me very happy about what I do now. I have the chance to pass along the opportunity of higher education to those whose responsibilities would have made it impossible for them to drive to campus and attend a class. Online students do not have to say “No” to a degree so they can fulfill their work and family obligations.
You and I both know it’s not always easy. There are deadlines and late penalties because the class keeps moving forward week after week. There were many days I was up before my family and at the computer, making sure my assignments were done.
If you’re in one or more of my classes now and see the time stamp on my discussions or my feedback, you will see that not much has changed. I’m grabbing that first cup of coffee and reading posts by 5 a.m., six days a week. Monday morning finds me reading the assignments that were turned in by Sunday night and often marveling at the research and critical thinking that have gone into these papers.
On-campus classes are wonderful — especially at a beautiful university, such as Regent. I’m out of state, but I have been to Virginia Beach several times, and I love the history and the Spirit of God that surrounds Regent University. However, I do not believe that those who take online classes are sacrificing what we call “the college experience.”
You can make lifelong friends in online classes. You’re part of a long and wonderful tradition that grew from the vision of the university’s founder, the late Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson, and many others who worked alongside him. So, wear your Regent sweatshirt proudly, online student, as you have that early-morning coffee or late-night tea in front of your computer.
And welcome to class!